Sunday, October 18, 2009

Now Taking Bids

Our goal is to construct five buildings in the next two years. The first of which is our farmstore. The exterior is complete, and we are now ready for electric, plumbing, drywall, tile, etc. We are taking bids for these items. Those that are interested should send an email to

NOTE* We will only accept bids on specialty trades. Our carpenter/GC (Mark Poineau) is incredible and he will be working on our project through completion. The same holds true for our excavator - Brian Weber. There is nobody better and we consider him a permanent partner.

Our second building - the farmers market - has been approved, materials ordered and we will be started the third week of December.

Our third building - the carriage house - will be submitted for permits in December. The shell should be complete in late March.

The fourth building will be a massive 3 story garage and storage area. Our goal is to break ground in June of 2010.

The fifth building will be a big house - and our most luxurious structure. The tentative start date is April 2011.

These structures will all utilize green building concepts. Solar, greywater recycling, and the best insulation technology available. We hope to chronicle the project so that others can see how beautiful "green" structures can be built without increasing the cost of construction over typically accepted practices.

We want partners and not just contractors. Individuals who want to try something new. Contractors who don't mind experimenting. Contractors willing to step out of the box. If this sounds like you - please contact Mark and communicate your desire to get involved. In exchange for your innovation and competitive pricing, we will make your involvement in our project known and give you the ability to use our buildings as a showplace for your skills.

1 comment:

  1. I find your site to be very interesting. I've been watching your progress and love what you're doing. I was really excited to see you had a banner with the website on it. Thank you! If you are interested, my husband designs eco friendly inovative waste water treatment systems. Using bugs/bacteria etc. ( i am not in that field so he would probably not say "bugs" ) but what he does is really cool and I think would go along with your mission. His name is Rick Prince and is a civil engineer by trade. His e-mail is or cell # 231-642-1099 and we live next to The Cedar Rustic Inn. We are very local!!
